Apply the product directly to the skin after peeling off the paper strip. Please read the indications on the individual packaging carefully before use.
Do not use this product if you:
Suffer from heat-induced rash or hives
Have diminished sensitivity to heat, or are sensitive to heat
Are sensitive to adhesive plaster or have suffered from rashes
Are not able to quickly remove the product by yourself if necessary
Do not apply this product to:
Any part of the body inflamed by heat or swelling due to bruises, sprains, etc.
Cuts, scratches, insect bites, etc.
Any part of the body with eczema or irritation, etc.
Any part of the body being treated with patch medications or topical medications, etc.
Any part of the body where the sheet would be prone to wrinkling such as behind the knees
Ankles and other areas where the sheet tends to apply loosely
Consult a physician or pharmacist if you:
Are under the care of a physician
Suffer from diabetes or a circulatory disorder
Have a fever or an inflammatory disease
Have experienced an allergic reaction (rash, redness, itchiness, irritation, etc.) to medications or cosmetics
Are pregnant
Please follow the precautions below for safe use.
When this product is applied to infants, children, people with special needs or with dementia, etc., close supervision is necessary.
Stop using the product immediately when you feel that it is too hot, or if you feel any pain, unusual physical change, or discomfort
Apply the product so that the adhesive area won’t wrinkle, and the sheet doesn’t become loose or peel off
If you experience rashes or dermatitis or continue to experience redness, itchiness, or any other skin problem, stop usage and consult a physician
The skin may temporarily redden or itch when warmed up.
Do not heat the product in a microwave oven
Do not allow individual packets to come in contact with electrical outlets, as they may ignite